Platinum Slim seeria põrandakõlar.
● Äärmiselt selge ja terava kõrgsageduse esitusega ● Väga detailne keskksagedus ja täpne bass ● MDF puitmaterjalist korpus ● 5 elemendiga ja 3 ribaline lahendus ● 1 x 25mm TPTTD Taga Pure Titanium kõrgsageduselement (Pure Titanium kuppel, ülisuur 70 mm läbimõõduga magnet, ferrofluid vedelikjahutus, koonusekujuline spetsiaalsete lohkudega peegeldusplaat ● 1 x 133mm TPACD Taga Pure Aluminum cone kesksageduselement (alumiiniumist koonus ja tolmukuppel, 100 mm läbimõõduga magnet, survevalu meetodil valminud alumiiniumist korpus) ● 2 x 133mm TPACD Taga Pure Aluminum cone basselement (alumiiniumist koonus ja tolmukuppel, 100 mm läbimõõduga magnet, survevalu meetodil valminud alumiiniumist korpus) ● 1 x 133mm TPAPR Taga Pure Aluminum Passive Radiator - passiivne kompressioonelement (alumiiniumist koonus ja tolmukuppel, survevalu meetodil valminud alumiiniumist korpus) ● Bi-Wiring ja Bi-Amping valmidusega kaabliterminal ● Sobilik ka kitsamatesse oludesse - teeb head häält ka seinalähedasemas paigutuses.
Honey, I shrunk the Platinum! You love the excellent sound of our award-winning and highly acclaimed Platinum series but your spouse would be furious seeing big boxes in your living room.Here comes the solution!The solution means no substitutions or compromises were used but just like in an old good movie: the Platinum series has just been shrunken to more compact, appealing SLIM version. Surely we had to tune crossovers as well as add a passive radiator to the floorstanding model to ensure the same tonal character which the Platinum series is famous of. To emphasize the slim appearance of the F-90 SLIM floorstanding model we have designed a new compact yet elegant plinth which helps isolating a speaker from a floor. If you are seeking the high-end stereo speaker with an exceptional bass performance and an excellent total sound balancePlatinum F-90 SL is the best choice without draining your pocket.
| - ˇˇ5 STARS in HIGH CLASSˇˇ The elegantly designed Platinum Slim speakers’ series offers brisk and lively sound that draws the audience immediately into it... The SLIM speakers open a wide space which is filled with a lot of detailed sound at movie and music playback. When properly leveled the Platinum speakers play together homogeneously and amaze with their control when performing at high volumes… |
| HI-FI CHOICE ´´BEST BUY´´ Taga Harmony speakers are energetic and bright sounding, which will appeal to people who prefer direct communication and sometimes musical prominence, especially in the treble band… These slim boxes with a modern design will fit into many contemporary styled rooms but also captivate with surprisingly solid bass and brisk sound. Modern design, great looks, powerful sound. They sound excellently in a dynamic musical material. |
| It is Recommendation The speakers provide healthy, dynamic and emotional sound with perfect proportions, large-scale and freedom, and the most important - natural and honest. The timbre is enjoyable, slightly warm in its mid-section and bright at the top. The very good stereo panorama allows creating of a large, real sound scene... |
| …Fast transients and a huge sense of presence make these speakers never stop entertaining the listener… An aggressive newcomer in the top budget class that can give competitors an eye-opener. |