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24 Tundi 7 Päeva 1 Kuu


Bowers & Wilkins 703 S3 (700 series) soodushind −17%
Bowers & Wilkins 703 S3 (700 series)
Vana hind: 2499.00
Soodushind: 2097.00

Arhiveeritud toode!!!

Stereo võimendi Taga Harmony HTA-700B SE v2

hõbehall Taga Harmony HTA-700B SE v2 hõbehall
Hind: 380.00
See toode pole enam saadaval!

Märgista toode
Väikeste mõõtmetega lamp-digi hübriidvõimendi ja USB DAC. Uudne võimendilahendus kus on ühendatud lampvõimendi ja digitaalse võimendi parimad omadused. Eelvõimendi lamplahendus annab helile lampvõimenditele omase soojuse ja maheduse, ning digi-lõppvõimendi annab sellele vajaliku võimsuse (2 x 45W RMS)
Sisseehitatud 24bit/192kHz reolutsiooniga USB-DAC (Cirrus Logic CS4344) teeb temast arvutiga ühendades ka kõrge kvaliteediga välise helikaardi ja klapivõimendi. Tagapaneelilt leiab ka eelvõimendi väljundi, mis võimaldab teda kasutada ka koos eraldiseisva võimendi või aktiivkõlaritega.
Bluetooth 4.0 toetus võimaldab heli esitada nutiseadmetest ja sülearvutitest juhtmevabalt ja seda igati korraliku kvaliteediga - toetab CD kvaliteediga aptX ülekande kodeeringut.
Hea, soodne ja kompaktne lahendus tõsisele muusikaarmastajale.

●   Lamp-digi hübriidlahendus

●   2 x 12AX7B lambid eelvõimendis

●   2 x 45W võimsust (RMS, 4oomi)

●   Laiendatud sagedusala - 20-28000 Hz

●   USB DAC - 24bit / 192kHz Cirrus Logic CM6631A+CS4344

●   Bluetooth 4.0 ühendus koos aptX kooderingu toetusega

●   Kõrvaklappide ühendus - 1W (160 oomi juures)


HiFi Pig - Recommended

Sound Quality

The word to best describe the sound was ´´balanced´´ in that treble and bass were in equilibrium, midband was clean and clear, so it was no effort at all just to sit back and enjoy what I was hearing while the system was warming up…


The TAGA Harmony HTA – 700B V2 amplifier is a great little amplifier in its own right. It has enough features to make it flexible with regards to connections, it sounds extremely good too, more powerful than the specifications suggest and the small footprint means you can house it wherever you like so it remains unobtrusive. This little amplifier has a lot going for it…

Hi-Fi Choice - BEST BUY 12/2015

I have to admit that TAGA Harmony turns out to be a melodious amplifier which has a great ability to attract attention because of its colorful timbre.

Especially in mids and high registers the amplifier plays with charm and grace, which can be expected from tube designs. The bass is pulsating decisively and with a controlled rhythm.

The TAGA Harmony HTA-700B SE v.2 is a small, almost miniature amplifier, but with a great heart to play.

...TAGA Harmony sounds cool on every of the inputs, and whatever kind of music we are listening to, it is always enriched with tube mood, for which so many people just love constructions based on incandescent vacuum tubes

Stereo i Kolorowo Undeground

...It is fresh, healthy and pure-blooded sound, which instantly can be liked! is a great stereo audio device for reasonable money!

HEIMKINO - The 100 best products of the year

One of the most recognized audio-video magazines in Germany ´´Heimkino´´ awards the HTA-700B as

- The 100 best products of the year - - Oberklasse 4.5/5

They work along very well: The combination of the TAGA HTA-700B and the beautiful Peachtree Audio D5 sounds clearly and longs for more music. So it is good when the smartphone or tablet is filled up with music. For those who do not prefer to play via bluetooth, fortunately Taga also offers possibility to play from PC via USB or from a conventional CD player via the RCA input.


Gentle, warm, suggestive sound... Richness and analog naturalness could be able to compensate limitations in a dynamic range and resolution, but these features do not limp; However, it is obvious that TAGA avoids sharpness, it does not round every sound but rather shapes and smooths but still leaving sound distinct and clear - there is a very good selectivity of this presentation, the sounds do not blend together, and the image tends to be three-dimensional, and although details are ´´combed´´ you can feel them constantly. The whole impression is very friendly and the style works well in a ´´firefighting´´ of compressed recordings that could be transferred to TAGA by the Bluetooth standard.

Hifi Test - sehr gut 1,2

Glorious Sound

For so little money this is a super deal…

Sound and Conclusion

...I can just say: heart, what do you desire more? The set is an absolutely must to have. Those looking for something good priced for themselves and their friends, something well made, with modern features built-in and ideal and free music straight from the gut, this is for you. Very big recommendation.

Tehnilised andmed:
2 x 45W (RMS; 4 oomi)
2 x 35W (RMS; 6 oomi)
2 x 26W (RMS; 8 oomi)
2 x 12AX7B
vähem kui 0.1%
Signaali-müra suhe:
20 - 28 000 Hz
analoog stereosisend RCA
USB (arvutiühendus)
analoog heliväljund eelvõimendist (RCA)
versioon 4.0
aptX kodeeeringu toetus
profiil Advanced Audio Distribution Profile A2DP
Sobivate kõrvaklappide takistus:
32 - 320 oomi
Kõrvaklappide väljundvõimsus:
1W (160 oomi juures)
Asynchronous 24bit / 192kHz
Cirrus Logic CM6631A+CS4344 chip
140 x 177 x 270 mm
Voolu võimsustarve:
100W (MAX)
Kaal: 4.2 kg.
Garantii: Pretensioonide esitamise aeg - 2 aastat

Vaata ka teisi   Taga Harmony tooteid
Tootja: Taga Harmony


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Klipsch Image S3 (OUTLET) soodushind −33%
Klipsch Image S3 (OUTLET)
Vana hind: 43.00
Soodushind: 29.00

Soovid paremat hinda kui kusagil mujal

Siis lihtsalt küsi
meilt pakkumist!



Cambridge Audio AXN10 soodushind −34%
Cambridge Audio AXN10
Vana hind: 599.00
Soodushind: 399.00



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